RightPay® takes the headache out of getting paid

Add RightPay to your subscription to forget about processing tedious invoices and chasing checks

Collect financial planning fees directly from your clients

Flexible Billing

Easily invoice clients by creating

subscription plans and/or one-time


Client-Friendly Interface

Clients can log in to the

RightCapital portal, review and

approve invoices, and pay.

Quick Payment Receipt

Funds are sent directly to your

bank account within days!

Easy fee collection

Add RightPay to your RightCapital subscription to make client billing easy. Simply create subscription plans and/or one-time invoices to charge clients. You can review and track the payment status and see the payments come through.

RightPay screenshot showing a list of client invoice details and status
Flexible payment options

Choose the option that suits each client best: one-time, monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually.

RightPay screenshot showing a list of client invoice plans, status, recurring amount and frequency
Seamless client experience

Clients have one portal where they can log in to pay their financial planning fees and access their financial planning information, making it easy for them to see the value they are paying for.

Let's get planning!