Looking for the most recent updates?
Here in the Northeast, we’re catching the first glimpses of fall foliage, but still riding high on our summer updates such as enhancements to the Tasks module and a new tax-filing status. We're also still excited about the results of the Kitces Report released in August. RightCapital was named a “standout” in the Financial Planning category with the highest satisfaction rating (again!).
If you’re still on the fence about joining us as a subscriber, check out the three case studies we published this summer: a former eMoney user who found a “night-and-day difference” with RightCapital, an ex-MoneyGuidePro user who experienced extreme time-savings with RightCapital, and an advisor who broadened his impact and increased his closing ratio with RightCapital.
Major Tasks enhancement

Our Tasks module has seen a variety of exciting updates, many inspired by discussions with our advisors. We've introduced a whole new "Board View" that allows you to conveniently drag and drop tasks to mark them as "Completed". There is now the ability to assign a frequency to recurring tasks, offering improved scheduling capabilities. Hide or unhide individual tasks to either keep them as advisor-only or share with your clients and co-clients. Plus, for an optimized user experience, we have moved the location for Task Templates. They now live with other templates within the Advisor Portal > Gear Icon > Templates section. For more, watch this quick video.
Tax-filing status for unmarried clients
You asked for a better way to create a shared plan for unmarried clients and we listened! The option now exists to select "Non-Married Filing Single" for households with a client and co-client. Changing the filing status will break out relevant calculations and inputs for the client and the co-client in several planning modules.
Integrations enhancements
Our integrations and engineering teams have been busy over the last few months. We introduced new integrations with Apex Fintech Solutions and PreciseFP as well as enhanced integrations with SEI, Black Diamond, and Advyzon.
Increased flexibility for Client Presets
New default setting options were introduced within the Client Presets tab, such as withdrawal sequence within the current plan, retirement age, annual retirement health cost estimate, annual retirement LTC duration, annual retirement LTC cost estimate, and client profile item permission.
Additional client communication options
For advisors who would like to personally handle client invitations instead of them sending directly from RightCapital, unique Client Portal sign-up links can now be copied and pasted as desired. If it’s your preference, RightCapital can still send that email on your behalf.

Advisors now have the option to be BCC’ed on all client communication from RightCapital—such as Task reminders—if they’d like to stay on top of what clients are being sent from the platform.
Student Loan module updates
When the Department of Education implemented critical benefits for the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan while phasing out the REPAYE plan, RightCapital was ready to reflect the updates, including exclusion of spousal income in consideration for payment calculations in certain situations, increase in income exemption amount, and no accrual of unpaid interest. Additional updates will be made as the SAVE plan goes into full effect in 2024.
Updated visualizations for Snapshot
By popular demand, we took components of our Budget module overhaul from Q2 and carried them over to Snapshot. We've also added the Summary pie chart outlining the current month’s budget and a graphical representation of the remaining budget amount.
More control for Super Administrators
Firm Super Administrators now have the authority to manage branding across the firm. These individuals can determine advisors’ abilities to personalize the firm name, address, report disclosures, branding, and invitation email templates.
We’re not quite finished our updates for this year so stay tuned to see what’s coming in Q4! If you're eager to learn more about these enhancements and what RightCapital has to offer, we invite you to schedule a demo today.